A Bunch Of Boko Haram Terrorists Tried To Dress As Women To Escape The Nigerian Army But Whoops, Their Huge Beards Gave Them Away




(Source)A group of Boko Haram terrorists tried to flee a Nigerian army checkpoint by dressing as women, only to be given away by their bushy beards. The jihadists tried to slip through a cordon in the suburbs of the north-east town of Baga, which the Nigerian military has been trying to wrest from Boko Haram control. But despite dressing in the colourful patterned wraps favoured by local women, they were unable to disguise their unshaven looks or masculine gaits. They were quickly spotted by local security forces, who paraded them before the press yesterday (Tuesday).




Laugh out loud funny picture. Would love to have been a fly on the wall while the Boko Haram crew mapped out this plan. Just get dressed up like girls and no one will suspect a damn thing. Kind of reminds me of when I was younger and I’d try to get dressed older so bouncers would so bouncers wouldn’t question my ID. No no, man don’t wear that Abercrombie tshirt. Wear a button down. Yeah and khakis. 21 year olds always dress like they’re going to work when they go to a dive bar. Who cares that you have braces and your face is covered in pimples? No one’s gonna notice that with this outfit on. Probably just assume you’re a dad. You nailed this. Then I’d get to the door and they wouldn’t even ask for my ID, just laugh and turn me away. Granted, probably a better result than getting arrested by the Nigerian army. But comparable.

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